¿què dimonis passa aquí?

MENT ***
read this entire agreement *** LICENS
E: * T
his Limited Us
e Software License Agreement (the "Agreemen
t") is a legal ag
reement between you ("Licensee"), the end-user,
and for the us e of the software produ
ct ("Software"). By using
this softw
are or s
toring this program on a computer har
d drive (or other media), you ar
e agreeing to be bou
nd by the terms of this Agreement. I
f you do not ag
ree to the terms of this Agreement, and y
ou have registered this software, promptly retur
n the sof
tware and the
accompanying items (including any written mate
rials), along with your receipt for a full refund; or delete the software fro
m all storag
e media. * You m
ay instal
l this program to test
and e
if it suits your nee
and you wish to purchase it; during the evaluation period, you will
be shown advertising banners within the program. There is not a set limit for the eval
uation time. * This
software may be distributed freely on online servi
ces, bulletin bo
ards, or other electro
nic media as long as the files are distribu
ted in their entirety. This software may not be
distributed on CD-ROM, d
isk, or other physical media for a fee without the permission of You may
not alter this
software in any way, including changing or re
moving any messag
es or windows. * You may not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise red
uce this software to a h
uman perceivable form. You may
not modify, rent or resell for profit this softw
are, or create derivative work
s based upon this software. You may n
ot publicize or dist
ribute any registration code algori
thms, information, or registration codes used by this software w
ithout permission of You may not use any registration co
des for the Software that have not been purchased from or an
authorized representative of You acce
pt responsibility for any network usage costs or any oth
er costs incurred by using this software.NO WARRANTIES. - EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY fo
r the SOFTWARE. The SOFTWARE and any related d
ocumentation is provided "as is" without warranty of
any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, the implied war
ranties or merchantability, fitness for a particul
ar purpose, or noninfringement. The entire risk arising out of use or performan
ce of the SOFTWARE remains with you. THIS SOFTWARE IS NOT FAULT T
NO LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES. In no event shall or its suppliers be liable for any damages whatso
ever (in
cluding, without limitation, damag
es for loss of business profits, business interruption,
loss of busine
ss information, or any other pe
cuniary loss)
arising out of the use of or inability to use this SOFTWARE, EVEN IF HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DA
MAGES. may show advert
isements and/or offers for other products i
n the
Software. has no ownership
interest in these other produ
cts, services, or other
advertised items. And as such makes no warranty, either ex
press or implie
d, as to these oth
er products, services, or other advertised items and the use thereof. The Software wi
l show adverti
sements to unregistere
d users. Registered
users may t
urn on or off the display of adv
ertising banners. If advertiseme
nts are ever shown, you agree that you understand that this software wi
ll use your Internet connection to download these advertisements. If advertisements are shown, wil
l use an embedded web browser contr
for downloading and displaying these advertisements. COPYRIGHT: * You must treat the Software like any other
copyrighted material.

això és una broma o qué?



encara no ha sortit el sol
5748 kb

això es un regal




(tens encesos els altaveus?)


mai no trobaràs res del que cerques